FRQs: Say

“Take out all your so called problems, better put them in quotations.” ~ John Mayer

Sometimes in life you don’t want to say something, but you feel as though it’s necessary. It’s a need, more so than anything else. Even if the people you’re talking about don’t agree. Monday’s letter to Pedestal Patty was one of those.

Needless to say, I was a little worried about it. But I was overwhelmed by the response. Just wanted to say thanks.

“Walking like a one-man army, fighting with the shadows in your head.” ~ Mayer

The Five Random Questions:

1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day?

2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?

3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?

4. Define irregardless.

5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)?

“It’s better to say too much, than to never say what you need to say again.” ~ Mayer

That said, Monday’s letter is to the Kansas man who killed the abortion doctor in church. Yes, we’re going from gay marriage to abortion and murder. Have a good weekend.

122 responses to “FRQs: Say

  1. I’ll go first:

    1. Hav Plenty. I tweeted a bunch of lines from the movie on Wednesday for kicks. Most people said they hated it because of the “lowbudgetness” … but it’s still one of my favs because of the message in it about being content in all situations.

    2. There is a step you haven’t taken that you need to take because you are not Father Abraham.

    3. Usually conversation because I love to converse, but common interests as well. Who wants to be with someone you have little to nothing in common with? I’d rather watch paint dry.

    4. If it’s a double negative, it means “to regard.” lol. … (clearly a trick non-question)

    5. The Heat. …. no really. The Lake Show people. in six.

  2. Lovely Paradox

    I love those questions. Here goes:

    1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day?
    I don’t know if it’s horrible or even bad, but I love, love Working Girl. I can watch that movie over and over and over again. Did I say I loved that movie?Lol!

    2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?
    In your next lifetime, please come back as a eunuch taking care of persian concubines? The world will appreciate it.

    3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?
    Wit. I am a sucker for a man with a good sense of repartee.

    4. Define irregardless.
    Is it a word?
    Irregardless: adv., used by non-literate folks who want to actually appear literate. Is often (mistakenly) used for regardless… (and it rhymes with bless as in “bless their heart”)

    5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)?

    My heart wants The Magic in 7… but my (darn!!) head knows it will be The Lakers in 5 or 6. Gosh DARN IT!

  3. 1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day?
    -I don’t champion things I know are horrible but I’ve had a lot of people say they hated Vanilla Sky which I think is a wonderful movie and people that don’t like it just don’t get it.

    2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?
    -Please teach your children what you clearly didn’t learn about the importance of condoms and birth control.

    3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?
    Sense of humor – If a man can make me laugh then he’s one step closer…

    4. Define irregardless.
    -A non-word used to contradict a point that someone else made in an argument.

    5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)?
    -I don’t care…either way I’m not getting a trophy or a ring.

  4. This John Mayer song is a perfect transition from the previous letters to now. I think alot of people earlier today felt like they said what they needed to say (I love John Mayer by the way 🙂 )


    1. Jennifer Lopez’s movie ‘The Cell’. Everyone hates this movie and I know why but for some reason I can’t get past the disturbing art of it in its attempt to display the complex and wicked nature of the mind of a serial killer.

    2. Go get yourself tested. If you are free of the monster, find a new hobby…

    3. Sense of Humor

    4. double speaking of not having regard (good one)…lmao!

    5. The Magic’s just might have this one. Mickael Pietrus is an unnassuming 3-point machine…

    • @jlbd

      Even though I don’t think J. Lo can act, I actually liked “The Cell”. I thought it was very creepy but the way it explored the mind of the serial killer was very interesting.

      • @Tam

        Yeah, she can’t act to save her life, but Vince Vaughn helped her out and the odd but original cinematography helped me stomach her all throughout.

    • “If you are free of the monster…”

      @jlbd: If the monster wasn’t such a serious thing, this would be hilarious. 🙂 and I love your answer to #5.

    • @jlbd: I think a few of us said somethings we needed to say this week, period. lol. That’s why I choose the song.

      On J.Lo, “I remember you when it was just ‘Hey, hey ho… hey ho,” J.Foxx, I Might Need Security … lol

    • Not sure I made it through The Cell. I remember wanting to see it because the previews made it look so pretty…


      • @ASmith

        It actually is an eerily morbid movie. It’s a movie you have to sit and watch without any distractions. I tried to get my fiance’ to watch it and he was interested because of my description of it but he fell asleep within the first 30 minutes. If you realize that 75% of the time J.Lo is actually in a virtual reality world of this serial killer’s mind it will really grab your attention. I’m probably one of the few people that actually like this movie, and I’ll accept that 🙂

  5. 1. @damon: I’m going with Hav Plenty too. I love & own this movie. I have most, if not all, of the lines memorized and I still laugh each time like it’s my first time watching it. The scripture is a great theme as well. I actually listened to the soundtrack while cleaning last night in honor of your tweets. (and you know that I have to give at least one more…I also like G. Has anyone else seen this? It has Blair Underwood, Richard T. Jones, Chenoa Maxwell and Bubbles & Kima from The Wire. It is so bad and so low budget but I like it. It’s loosely based on The Great Gatsby. For some reason, I usually enjoy movies that a majority of people describe as bad so this list could go on & on but I’ll spare y’all).

    2. I wouldn’t want to judge so although I’d think these things I most likely wouldn’t actually say them…”Maybe you should consider another recreational activity.” or “If you’re still interested in making a contribution to society, there are other things to donate besides sp3rm.”

    3. Manners & mannerism.

    4. I can’t. I won’t. 🙂

    5. I wanted the Cavs in the finals but…MAGIC.

    John Mayer’s music…nice.

  6. love my FRQs.

    1. two words: Pootie Tang. i know, i know…it’s really hard to watch after the first ___ minute(s). but chris rock hit his pinnacle of ridiculousness in that movie (well that and “No Sex (in the Champagne Room) ). genius in its most stupid moment, and i love it. 🙂

    2. check yourself. you’ve wrecked yourself. that is all (some people don’t deserve 10, muchless 20 words).

    3. a deliberate/thoughtful man is extremely attractive. premeditated actions and communication, even within the simplest moments…..that’s spicy (i.e. sexxy).

    4. irregardless is the worst kind of word. an unnecessary one.

    5. you already know what i’m on. i agree, Lake Show in 6.

  7. 1. Barry Gordy’s The Last Dragon. That move is a classic and I watch it on DVD over and over again.

    2. “I have taken up a collection and am prepared to offer you $1K to have a vasectomy”, then I would report that income to the child support lien network.

    3. Smile and Teeth (They count as one)

    4. An ignorant persons attempt to make the word regardless sound “more smarter”

    5. I hate Kobe and I miss Shaq so I plead the 5th. 1… 2…. 3…. 4…. FIFTH.

  8. Oh yeah – Hav Plenty sucks copious amounts of ass. I enjoy a black B movie as much as the next chica but I abhor bad acting with every being of my soul!

    That is all 🙂

    • @Hot Girl Extraordinaire: On #1 – Oh, no! LOL. It’s bad but entertaining and the message is good.

  9. 1. Belly (the acting was AWFUL ): the cinimatics were captivating.

    2. Dumba$$, get snipped.

    3. Laughter

    4. In negrospeak, it means “it doesn’t matter” basically.

    5. I’on know.. the one with the prettiest colors. (*shrugs*)

    • @Nicki: I liked the music in Belly as well. “Negrospeak?”…hilarious.

    • Belly is a cult classic, I haven’t met anyone that thinks it’s bad 🙂 It’s one of my favs…

    • @nicki: I like Belly, too. Only seen it twice, but what I remember of it was positive.

      But that was before the turn of the millennium. I didn’t know what good acting was then. The acting had to be horrible, though, all things considered.

      • You know what, the acting was pretty bad in Belly but the production of it made you not even notice it that much. Hype Williams directed it so that speaks for itself. I own the movie and watch it every now and then when I want to hear Sincere ask Buns when the last time was that he read a book and Buns respond with ‘Neva Mutha F@%*a!!!’…..LMAO!

    • @Everyone: Yaw, the worst line was Nas and T Boz’s exchange, and she says,

      “Africa, its so farrrrr.” And I promise you, it gives me icky tingles down my back..

      But it’s a gorgeous movie though.

      • @Nicki

        I thought I was the only one! That has to have been the worst display of an attempt to ‘act’ that Tionne Watkins has ever dreamed up. I remember I had an ex that said ‘no, sh!t Africa is far, dumb heffa…’ lmao!

    • @Nicki Sunshine: That’s how I feel…the one with with prettiest color or the coolest mascot.

  10. Damon, you make my fridays morning commute much more interesting.

    1. Sunset Park. My favorite movie ever. Yes I know. I can quote this movie verbatim. And Terrance Howard as a high school spaced out student? Classic.
    2. You should be put to death by firing squad. Leave the world alone.
    3. Humorous & Intelligent Conversation.
    4. According to my brother, “it has no meaning. Only black people use this word to sound intelligent”.
    5. As much as Kobe makes me want to barf, the lakers will win.

    Have a great weekend all.

    • @Ashbunnie: I like Sunset Park. Sunset Park, what time is it? We be gettin’ busy baby. I am crackin’ up thinking about this movie right now.

  11. thecomebackgirl

    1. white chicks..its so funny

    2. ..”um were you molested?”

    3. The scent of a man

    4. no relevance???

    5. crickets….

  12. 1. “The Last Dragon”: I can quote this movie from beginning to end. There’s a story that goes with this that I won’t bore you with.

    2. Didn’t you realize after the first crumbsnatcher you couldn’t feed that a condom might be in your best interests?

    3. Sense of humor.

    4. Cannot be done

    5. Lake Show, all day er’ry day!!

  13. 1. “Lionheart” with Jean-Claude Van Damme…need I say more? While definitely a has been…he was a high school crush of mine…lol.

    2. Are you from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)?

    3. Ability to have stimulating convo on an array of topics.

    4. I do not have the ability to define made-up words, irregardless of how hard I try.

    5. It’s basketball season already? Sorry, I’m clueless here.

  14. @Damon – HAV PLENTY was a WONDERFUL movie!!! 🙂

    1. Undercover Brother – there are some funny lines in that flick!!

    2. “You’re only hurting the kids. Cut it off, and get three more jobs. Thank you!”

    3. The sound of their laugh…it could turn me on…or completely off.

    4. Dumb

    5. Lakers in 5 or 6…the “Black Mamba” is sick of this sh*t!! Lol!! 🙂

    • @mal: I love the simplicity of saying “dumb.”

      And Lake Show all the way. I say six because going to Orlando won’t be fun. smh.

    • @Mal Undercover Brother surprised me with the amount of really funny lines in it. My expectations were extremely low going in so I think that helped.

  15. 1. Zoolander

    2. You need to be castrated. I’m buying.

    3. Smell

    4. Irregardless

    5. Lakers

  16. 1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day?
    – Pootie Tang. I loved that movie so much, it made me laugh so hard, that I watched it in Spanish.

    2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?
    I can say it in three — Get a Vasectomy.

    3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?
    If he reads. I love a man who reads.

    4. Define irregardless.
    It means regardless but more to a deeper extent.

    5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)?
    I dislike everything about Kobe Bryant but I don’t think the Magic have it in them. Kobe and TO are two players I hate based on personality alone.

    • Lmao @ pootie’s words en enspanol.

      & #4… it means regard but to a deeper extent??? *blank stare*

      • I understand how you could go *blank stare* but have you ever heard someone say “irregardless”. Its like they are just trying so hard to get their point across plain ol’ regardless just won’t cut it. I’ll even use in a belligerent negrish sentence:

        IRREGARDLESS of your 6 other baby mothers and your part time job at Wal-Mart, my child’s check BET be in the mailbox today, or I’m taking you to court Tyrone!

        This sentence wouldn’t resonate as hard without Irregardless. You can’t feel the neck role and snapped fingers?

  17. 1. (AKA the guilty pleasure question) Civil Brand (imdb it)… I don’t have much justification, but it’s hard to justify “bad” movies…

    2. Sir, sex is procreational, not recreational. If you can’t use it right (your penis) you don’t get to have one.

    3. A smart sense of humor. I like people who pick up on the funny things about everyday mundane life.

    4. I defer to Lovely Paradox, and add
    Irregardless (adj) used to describe our educational system’s systematic failure of individuals over the course of a year.

    5. I just need the Lakers to lose. That’s all.

    • @ASmith: #5 is my favorite. 🙂

    • @asmith: Plus 4 for your extension of the “irregardless” definition. Minus 4.5 for saying you want the Lakers to lose.

      Again … Colorado was con…….sensual. lol

    • @ASmith

      Civil Brand was pretty bad….lol, anything with Lisa Raye in it is not expected to be good, but then add in Da Brat, Tichina Arnold, MC Lyte and Lark Voorhies and you have a recipe for disaster…lol

      • I feel judgement rays from you. LOL…

        It wasn’t THAT bad… c’mon now, the right amount of alcohol and it, too, can be at the top of your list…

        • lol, it was entertaining and I actually cried when Lark died due to that beast of a warden (sorry for the spoiler for those who haven’t seen it) but I just think Lisa Raye has to be one of the sorriest actresses on this side of creation. Of course I’ve seen way worse but that’s like asking if one piece of manure smells worse than the other, they’re both PIECES OF MANURE…lol, ok, I’ll leave the movie alone… 🙂

        • If it helps, I actually think Monica Calhoun is a decent actress that hasn’t gotten her big break yet…

  18. @Shawnta’ glad someone else got sense.

    @Damon, I told you… I disliked Kobe WAY before CO, CO might’ve even given him a few extra points.

  19. The Five Random Questions:
    1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day? The last Dragon….its so awesomely terrible….durrrtyyyy booyyyyyys……LMAO…LEROOY!
    2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?
    Why would I “have to tell him about himeself?”
    I dont have anything to say to him.. the kids however? I would tell them to be more than their circumstances
    3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex? Smell ….
    4. Define irregardless. .. by definition the term irregardless is a word..….it means regardless but since it means exactly the same thing with or without the “ir” there isn’t really a need for its use…
    but also as someone said is slang for “whatever”
    5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)? The lakers but I would love to Orlando take it home….

  20. The Five Random Questions:

    1. What’s one bad movie that you know is horrible, but you champion/love to this day?
    i have 2: she hate me, and belly! for some reason people abhor these movies. but i can find the good in anything so there ya have it, plus both movies raise really good questions.

    2. If you came across a 29-year-old man with 21 kids, and had to tell him about himself in 20 words or less, what do you say?
    stop trying to find yourself at the bottom of some woman’s vagina; you are potentially ruining lots of lives. true love comes from within
    (i went over sue me)

    3. What’s the first non-physical thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex? confidence

    4. Define irregardless. i wont dignify this with a response

    5. Which one of Shaq Diesel’s old teams is winning the NBA Finals: The Lakers or The Magic (sorry, Comeback)? umm i dont watch the nba (and let the lynching begin)

  21. 1. Th Princess Bride- its got historical tendencies that I love…plus it caters to my imagination.

    2. Condoms would have been cheaper bruh…

    3. Intellect…its an addiction.

    4. ir= going; regard=to have or show respect or concern for; less=minus or without.

    Therefore it means going without respect…

    5. Although Phil doesn’t need anymore rings, and Kobe doesn’t need anything else to boost his ego, I think the Lakers are going to take it. I don’t have any good rhyme or reason…I just think the puppet is cool. If Nike would make a D. Howard puppet, I would have to flip a coin. lol

    • The Princess Bride is an awesome movie. Inconceivable!

    • The Princess Bride and The Last Dragon are the two movies from my childhood that my ghetto family can rally around and quote word for word. However, as far as being a good movie, The Princess Bride wins everytime. You can watch it now and it’s still a good movie where if you watch The Last Dragon, you find yourself laughing at the stupidity. But I’ll rep Bruce Leroy till the day I die!

    • Lovely Paradox

      The Princess Bride is an awesome movie… Cult classic.

  22. LOL…I just thought of another movie that I liked and get a lot of grief for liking…Carmen A Hip Hopera.

  23. 1. Drop Dead Fred…most people have never heard of/seen it, but I like the simplicity of it, plus it has some pretty funny moments.

    2. “Find an alter, lay down on it and wait for the Lord.”

    3. Sincerity.

    4. It’s not a word…but neither is “conversate” and people use that one all the time…smh. “Irregardless” is the dumbest non-word out there because it is a direct double negative…”regardless” already means despite. Putting “ir” in front of it cancels the whole word out. The funny thing is corporate America is where I have heard this word used the most…sad.

    5. Most likely the Lakers. Their maffia ties will surely come through on this one…(joking).

    • @Monica: LOL at #2 and #5. I’ve seen Drop Dead, Fred…but it’s been awhile.

    • @Monica

      I hated Drop Dead Fred. I actually went to the show to see this when I was a kid with my little cousin who was excited. I wanted to go to another show but my aunt felt that this movie was more suitable….smh

    • @your #5, real talk I told my fiance’ last night that the game had to be fixed. Orlando had horrible offense last night and trailing behind with a 25 point deficit was even more disturbing….something’s not right…

    • Not the alter….that joker would try to impregnate the Virgin Mary, Mother Mable, the pastors wife, and all the Saints while he was laying on that bad boy!

    • Somewhere on that list needs to be 2Pac – All Eyez on Me and OutKast – Speakerboxxx/The Love Below…ATLiens was listed twice. But I can agree on the number on spot, Illmatic was the truth..

    • Where the heck is The Blueprint?
      Why is Miseducation so far down on the list?

    • Where is UGK’s – Ridin’ Dirty?

    • Disagree…I’d never put NWA and BIG that high. Plus they rated Licensed to Ill higher than Paul’s Boutique which makes this list even more suspect. #1 should have been It takes a nation…followed by Paul’s Boutique.

    • @allyall:

      There’s nothing on that list from 2000-present …

      which is interesting. I’d be curious to see a top 50 since then …

      and then see those 100 mixed together. It’s an interesting list. But it’s clearly biased.

      You have to have a meeting of the minds to post something like that. Not just one person, and then say “50 Blah, Blah Blah …”

      You have to at least say “My 50” in the title.

  24. I think there are definitely some great albums listed but it is missing a few other classics. I agree that Lauryn Hill should have been rated higher; same with Biggie. I’m also wondering who edited this article and allowed #50-48 to be listed twice.

    • @Shawnta’

      Off topic again but I read somewhere yesterday that Keri Hilson wants to write the lyrics for Lauryn Hill’s next album…..**chuckles**….cute….

      • @jlbd: Are you serious? No. Craziness.

        I read on Twitter that she started as a a neo-soul singer but didn’t get her break with that…I wonder if that’s true.

  25. @jlbd: I just Googled Keri and Wiki (so, it’s gotta be true, right?) has this listed…

    Through the early and late 2000s, Hilson wrote songs for multiple rappers and singers, including Britney Spears and Ludacris. In 2007, she guest performed on Timbaland’s hits “The Way I Are” and “Scream” and began a solo singing career. Hilson has made cameos in music videos for Usher, Ne-Yo and Nelly, amongst others.

    So, I guess she can write – but not for Lauryn.

    • Right! When I read that I was like, ‘uh, sweetie, Lauryn doesn’t need you to write for her…she got dis!’ I mean, she’s definitely a talented writer for this new age pop stuff but Lauryn is a little too deep for the likes of Keri….

  26. The Five Random Questions:

    1.Vampire in Brooklyn is what came to mind first. Don’t yo LOVE when it’s an unintentional comedy? LMAOL

    2. You fail at life.

    3. Non-physical…uhhh voice?

    4. Uhhh…does not compute. LOL

    5. I don’t keep up with sports.

    • @ChiChi: I like Vampire in Brooklyn too; it’s entertaining and like you said, an unintentional comedy. 🙂

  27. I’m so dense. Number 3 would be humor/silliness.

  28. *lurker-turned-commenter alert*

    1. Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. [@ASmith, here’s your co-sign: Civil Brand is a not-too-distant second.]
    2. Castration, vasectomy and a chastity belt. In that order. You’re welcome.
    3. Conversation sans slang or profanity.
    4. A redundant version of ‘regardless’ that makes individuals using same look more dense than a brick wall of stale granola.
    5. PASS: I don’t do sports.

    • @rainebeaux: Welcome, I’m a fan of lurker-convert-commenter. More opinions, more ideas, more thought-provoking dialogue.

      I’ll just say this: “Castration, vasectomy and a chastity belt”

      IDK if dude could handle all of that, especially the chastity belt. He might melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.

    • Amen and amen at my co-sign.

      And this is why we need more lurkers-turned-commenters, they know what’s right. 🙂

  29. first, i just wanna say how much i love john mayer. this song is amazing. he’s amazing.
    *stops stanning to answer questions*

    1. “Can’t Hardly Wait.” such bad acting. so many teeny-boopers. and i know every line.
    [Hav Plenty is one of my favorite movies of all time, btw. i love it. Christopher Scott Cherot, where are you?]

    2. i wouldn’t say anything to him, really. no need to waste my breath.

    3. sense of humor and their musical tastes. i’ve found that you can learn a lot about a person just by lookin’ through their iPod.

    4. NO!

    5. well, since none of the teams i wanted to be in the finals made it, i’mma go with the Magic.

  30. @rainebeaux: Welcome!

    @dojo: I think She’s All That goes with your #1 for me. Some of the teeny-bopper movies are really funny. I’ve never seen Can’t Hardly Wait though. I love your response to #5…here’s to hoping! 🙂

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